Friday 17th January 2020 at the National Theatre
- Introductions
- To discuss and agree the PMF’s aims and purpose
- To adopt the PMF Constitution
- To approve the Committee membership
- To receive the annual reports on PMF activities:
- Forums and Socials
- Job Vacancies
- Mentoring
- Newsletters
- Support Hub Network
- Social Media
- Website
- To receive the annual Financial Report
- To discuss the priorities for 2020
- Questions from the membership
- A.O.B.
Committee Membership
- David Evans, Chair
- Peter Dean, Treasurer, responsible for Administration
- Suzy Somerville, Secretary, responsible for Support Hub Network
- Pip Robinson responsible for Forums and Social Media
- Mike Ager responsible for Job Vacancies
- Oliver Brown responsible for Mentoring
- Ian Taylor responsible for Website and IT
- Mandy Ivory-Castile responsible for Online Resources
- Ned Lay responsible for Events Sector
- Vacant responsible for Fundraising and Sponsorship
All committee members play a role in the general running and development of the PMF and in producing our Newsletters.
The following members agreed to be associates:
- Dan Shelley Online Resources
- Ben Pugh Media Manager
Associates work with committee members on specific areas. They are invited to attend committee meetings but do not have voting rights.
These are our priorities for 2020
To continue with our regular activities:
- Forums
- Spring: Sustainability at the Royal Court during their Climate Emergency period
- Summer at the ABTT theatre show: the relationship between PMs and Designers at the ABTT theatre show.
- Autumn t.b.c.
- Mentoring
- Newsletters
- Survey replaces January newsletter
- April, July, October
- Posting job vacancies
- Facebook closed group
- Adding new members
- Monthly committee meetings
Developmental Priorities
- Look into the PMF becoming a Private Company limited by Guarantee
- Recruit committee members for:
- Fundraising and sponsorship
- Media Content
- Forum support
- Resource Management
- Increase Support Hub membership
- Resources section of website (dependent on new committee member)
- Work on PMF Awards
- Increase contact with the Live Events Industry
- Data management, security and integration
Those present, or on-line, raised the following points
- We need to make London based PMs more aware of the PMF.
- We need to make it clear that the PMF is for Technical Managers too.
- Adverts in Prospect (Bectu)
- A suggestion that we should start charging for membership – to be included in the survey, which will be replacing the January newsletter.
- Consider a log in to a members only section of the website
- We should look at setting up PMF as a CIC (Community Interest Company).
- The constitution was approved unanimously by members at the AGM, with one change: that the number of committee members is increased to 10
- Various members have agreed to take up Committee or Associate roles. Thank you. The only remaining vacancy is Fundraising and Sponsorship.
Forums and Socials
- Suggestions for future forums: Noise RA, Health and Safety, how to set yourself up as a business and to revisit forums that have already happened.
- Advertising forums in the stage and sightline
- Look at REV software for captioning
- Consider adding timecodes as comments to the YouTube pages
Job adverts
- Approach UK Producers Facebook group to make them aware about posting jobs with the PMF.
- At the Social which followed the AGM an impressive number of members volunteered to be mentors. Thank you.
Support Hubs
- Possibility of temporary Support Hubs at major Festivals.
- The best time for mailing is early Tuesday mornings.
- Suggestion for regular newsletter item – new legislation.